4 Fujis for the 4th of the 1st (52 Fujis #40 – #43)

Don’t know what a 52 Fuji is? Check out this page.

Way back in January 2020, a couple of centuries ago, before the evolution of cuisine that brought us bat soup with a side of global pandemic, I had my final Fuji trips planned out and was ready for action. They would be done by April, when I was supposed to be leaving Japan. I was going to get all of these stations visited one way or another.

I came out all guns blazing, firing off four Fujis in one day.

(I could have done five but I wouldn’t discover the existence of Musashi-Fujisawa until later. How does this keep happening, you may ask? Well, it’s mostly because I’m a bit rubbish.)

The first of the four – #40 – was Fujino-Ushijima, way out in Saitama on the Tobu Park Line. Its name translates to ‘wisteria cow island’ and is, pretty much, the most interesting thing about the place. I got there pretty early in the morning, and it was appropriately sleepy. This being January, the one true tourist attraction – a wisteria park – wasn’t open.

I took this pic over the wall though:

(Wisteria season being when it is, this park never opened this year.)


Next up, back on the Tobu line down to Fujimino, also in Saitama. I will discover upon my arrival that I’ve been here before, back when I’d given up on the Fujis. A strong feeling of déjà vu will assail my senses as I go out the west exit. Once I circle around to the east exit, it crystallizes into a memory. Not clear enough for me to remember details, unfortunately.

Fujimino is a commuter commune, a bedtown; despite this, it’s not as sleepy as Fujino-ushijima. There is a lot to see and do, if you have time to take a bus:

Sadly, it’s reached midday,

The points of interest are quite far away.

And there’s two more Fujis to do today…

… So off I pop.


It’s into Tokyo now for a visit to Fujimidai, which doesn’t have that big city feel to it, it’s got that retro lived-in old Tokyo atmosphere. It’s one of those stations that the express services all skip, and yet, it’s pretty busy around the station area. There are a lot of people wandering about the shopping arcade. Probably waiting to get their hair done by a hair world champion:

Interestingly named salons aside, however, there’s not much of note about Fujimidai, I can’t find much to do except shop. I decide to finish up the day with a trip to a recently discovered Fuji – Nakano-Fujimicho.


Nakano-Fujimicho is another pretty quiet station, this time on the Tokyo Metro. I had a lovely walk in the wintry afternoon sunshine here, but didn’t find anything particularly fantastic to write about, except maybe that there’s a Fuji High School in the neighbourhood. I would have expected a little more originality in a place that’s easily a hundred kilometres from Fuji City.

(Then again, expecting originality in educational establishments seems like something of a fool’s errand. MIAOW.)

There is, however, a pretty cool train yard, if that’s your jam:



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